These few days i've been thinking alot about my future. I'm sure same goes to you all, right?
1) Tentang Kahwin
These few days i've been thinking alot about my future. I'm sure same goes to you all, right?
1) Tentang Kahwin
Yaa yaa kalau perempuan ini lah topik yang always on ur mind kan. lagi2 zaman sekarang yg too many youngster yg kahwin awal kan. many of my friends are heading to that. same goes to my dear close cousin which is just my age yg already got enganged and by early next year akan kahwin....and i will be her PENGAPIT! *yeahh i know, ironically i'm single and i already been booked as pengapit for her wedding* I dont mind though but just perhaps i will someday will get her 'berkat' and by then theres come my shining in amor to swept me away. *dreaming endlessly la i nii* =.="
here she is..my cousin and i on her engagement. happy for you, manja :)
2) Tentang Kerjaya
Yup. If you dah habis study..you will kept on thinking to be this career lady in this outside world. I never worked before except for being a Tuition teacher last few years ago..so i'm thrill to have my first job ever. Alhamdulillah after a few months of menganggur, finally i've got the job! business consultant/analyst. Alhamdulillah syukur. Cerita how i got the job lagi kelakar. just simple and fast. Syukur lagi for that. Anyway, even u have already have a good job but still you want to upgrade yourself (self-enhancement) in your life. To gain experience and to gain knowledge. So, i always never give up in searching for a better job. InsyaAllah one day i will have my own business or in a good position in a company. But whatever it is, i'm grateful for now. Always bersyukur ok girls. :)
*setiap perjalanan dalam hidup kita..Allah sudah tentukan jalan haluan dan rezeki untuk kita..
have faith on Allah* :)
picture while i'm intern in MATRADE
3) Tentang Further Study
Ada orang yang suka bekerja. Ada orang juga yang suka belajar sehingga ke peringkat tertinggi. Both of that i suke but i'm currently having a serious thought in furthering my study to Master in oversea. But you know theres many think to think about. For example all the risk that you need to take. if i further study, i lost this job and after i get my master, will i definitely directly got a job? i'm doubting that. sbb skrg ramai sgt mahasiswa/siswi yang menganggur kan. haisshh. tapi x baik mengeluh. Rezeki setiap orang Allah dah tentukan. Kalau x dpt A, insyaAllah dpt yang B kan. *positif2* So, insyaAllah lets do our best okay. To those yang still study, strive the best pointer that you can. Theres a long journey that you need to go through.
UUM. Inilah hidupku selama 3 tahun di universiti ini utk degree ku :) syukur
*good luck to you all* *best of luck**have faith in Allah*
~xoxo idada~
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